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Frenchy's Wedding & Event Rentals is committed to ensuring the quality, sanitation and cleanliness of its equipment.  


All our dish and glass cleaning processes incorporate high water temperature along with our cleaning solutions, ensuring the cleanliness and sanitation of dishware.


Similar to that of our dishware process, the combination of detergent, high water temperature and length of wash cycle, ensures the cleanliness and sanitation of linen.


We wipe down the surfaces of our general equipment items (which includes tables, chairs, bars, shelving, and more) with an all-purpose cleaner, followed by the application of a spray sanitizing solution. The sanitizer is then allowed to air dry on the surface, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, prior to making the equipment available to use.


Similar to both our dish and linen processes, Frenchy's uses cleaning equipment that utilizes the combination of a detergent and high temperature water to ensure the cleanliness of our tenting equipment.